The Tobacco Control Champions Network is a network of youth advocates from across South Africa working to protect youth and families from Big Tobacco.

Who can be an advocate
We’re looking for youth advocates who are committed to using their voice to stand up to Big Tobacco. Anyone who can commit to using their social media accounts to support the tobacco control movement across South Africa is welcome to apply.

How Can I Participate
Once you sign-up, you’ll be invited to join fellow like-minded advocates in action to help protect youth and families from Big Tobacco. We want to hear from you, so we’re preparing resources that will help you use your voice on social media to stand up for tobacco control!

Benefits of the program
If you are accepted into the program you will be joining a select group of advocates from across South Africa. You’ll also receive official recognition as a member of the Champions Network with a formal certificate that you can use to demonstrate your commitment to social justice.
Become a champion
All you have to do is fill out a quick application so we can better get to know you and why you would make a great champion. It should take less than 15 minutes.
Apply Now